Policies & Accreditations
At Camscaff Ltd, operational management is delegated to our Managing Director, Directors and the Operations Team who provide assurance that good judgement is exercised in delivery of strategy and decision-making. At the heart of operational management are the policies that dictate our company strategy to promote risk awareness which forms the foundation of our safety culture. All our staff are encouraged to demonstrate behaviours that help to reduce risk and meet our key safety objective of accident prevention.
Camscaff Ltd’s Company Policies
- HSQE Policy
- Sustainability and Procurement Policy
- Modern Slavery Policy
- Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Ethical Code of Conduct Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- ISO9001:2015 Certificate
- ISO45001:2018
- ISO14001:2015 Certificate
- UVDB Audit Certificate
- RISQS Audit Certificate
- Constructionline Gold Member
- CIRAS Membership
- UVDB Silver + Certificate
- UVDB Certificate of Audit
Camscaff Ltd’s Accreditation Banner